Neo-X:Fortune's Fate by Robert Geiger and Trish Oliver

Summary: The newly formed Neo-x teammates take a needed break at the X-men theme park: X-isle. While there they are confronted with a new team of villains.

Rating: PG

Warnings: Mild Violence.

Disclaimer: All X-men are property of Marvel. The Neo-X concept and the characters themselves are property of their creators. The story is property of Robert Geiger and Trish Oliver. Please don’t archive without permission. No profit is being generated from this story.

Notes: This is an AU. It splits from Marvel continuity just before the return of Chris Claremont in X-men #100. And there are also a few other differences. (ex. Mariko Yashida and Illyana Rasputin did not die). From that point the timeline moves forward approximately 25 years. Now a new threat faces the world and the children of the original X-men step forward to take their parents’ place. This story takes place after the events chronicled in Neo-X: Genesis and those issues are suggested reading.

Feedback: Encouraged. Either by direct email or on the message board of our home site http:/

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Excerpt from Neo-X: Fortune’s Fate

At the entrance to the control center three flying X-Isle staff members dive-bombed Psihawk and Valence. Outmaneuvering the attackers was a bit difficult with Katya's added weight, so Warren asked telepathically, "Think you're ready to field test 'Danger Room Attack Sequence: Alpha Charlie Bravo'?"

"You mean, 'Duck And Cover?" No problem. Can do it in my sleep." Was her mental response as she pushed away from Psihawk and went into freefall. She then extended her phasing powers to manipulate the air molecules beneath her into a giant cushion. Looking all the world like a seasoned trapeze artist, she bounced once before tumbling gracefully to the ground in a crouched position.

As soon as Valence was clear, Psihawk flicked psi-bolts at the trio, knocking them unconscious. Before they could hit the pavement, however, Valence partially phased it just soft enough to keep them from suffering anything more painful than bruises.

Elsewhere, Trump, Anodyne and their guide made it though the service tunnels without meeting anyone else and emerged in front of the virtual adventure. The crowd was smaller here and seemed a bit less enraged so they were able to push their way to the entrance with only a few punches thrown. "The safety locks on the ride have been shut off and the cybertronic lifelikes are at full power and set to attack. I'm trying to shut down the ride but the remote panel is locked." the X-Isle staffer told them.

"The injured person is inside somewhere. I have to try and help them." Jade urged.

"Where you go mon chere, I go." He reached in his pocket and pulled out his collapsible staff and snapped it open. "I t'ink we gonna have to fight our way to her." As they passed by them, he picked up one of the wooden staves provided for park goers and tossed it to Anodyne.

Full Document can be found at