Neo-X:Family Ties by Robert Geiger and Trish Oliver

Summary: Wolverine's daughter Jade fights for her right to live a life outside of Clan Yashida when her mother comes to retrieve her.

Disclaimer: All X-men are property of Marvel. The Neo-X concept and the characters themselves are property of their creators, Kayo is property of Melissa Miller. The story is property of Robert Geiger and Trish Oliver. Please don't archive without permission. No profit is being generated from this story.

Notes: This is an AU. It splits from Marvel continuity just before the return of Chris Claremont in X-men #100. And there are also a few other differences. (ex. Mariko Yashida and Illyana Rasputin did not die). From that point the timeline moves forward approximately 25 years. Now a new threat faces the world and the children of the original X-men step forward to take their parents' place. This story takes place after the events chronicled in Neo-X: Genesis and those issues are suggested reading.

Feedback: Encouraged. Either by direct email or on the message board of our home site http:/

Excerpt from Neo-X: Family Ties

Jade rummages around in the back of her closet and retrieves a small gilded trunk. She takes it over to the side of her bed and flips open the lid. She removes a black, rolled pack, unties the bindings and spreads the pack out across the top of the bed. Metal objects sparkle against the black fabric of the wrap. Jade does a quick inventory as she strips from her practice clothes and lets them fall to the floor.

She pulls a black unitard from the trunk and steps into it. Next she pulls on protective leg and arm coverings, along with a padded breastplate, followed by a porcelain Kabuki mask that hides her face. Next, she returns to the remaining contents of her cache. One-by-one she arms herself with the tools of her family's trade. Throwing stars, shuriken, flash bombs, spiked chains, and darts all become a part of her attire. From her dresser, she retrieves a pair of hairpin knives and locks them into place in her hair. Twin katanas are removed from their protective wraps and sheathed to her back. A final case is removed from the trunk and Jade removes a pair of wristlets and snaps them into place. She tests the palm release and with a "SNIKT" eight-inch razor sharp claws pop out.

Jade grins in appreciation of the irony, and hopes that he dad would be proud. One final item completes her ensemble as she pulls Cody's collapsible bo from her workout gear.

"If they want to drag me back to Japan, then it shall be in a body bag."

Full document can be found at