88 Lines About 44 Muties (remix) by Dex

Disclaimer: This song is a parody of Nails "88 Lines for 44 Women".All characters mentioned are copyrighted by Marvel Comics. I am using these without permission but am receiving no profit from it. Please contact me before archiving. Any feedback is welcome at dexf@sympatico.ca.

En Sabah was the first mutant, walking like an Egyptian,
Magnus came a little later, twisting metal just for fun.
Charles had a special dream, where men and mutant got along,
Scott, his first X-Man, learned the dream and kept it strong.

Peter shocked us all when his loyalties made a switch,
Warren's attitude was this, " It only matters if you're rich."
Shatterstar will do whatever it takes to ensure a win.
Remy's favorite pastimes involve Southern girls, vice and sin.

Sean, Irish, no need to shout! Knows what teaching mutants means,
Essex has two obsessions, winter skin and Summer genes.
Kurt is a ladies man, Hollywood lines and short blue fuzz,
Logan's claim to fame is that " He's the best at what he does."

Nathen was his father's son, displaced, obsessed hero type,
Alex can't count the times his mental state's received a wipe.
Nate is the newest Summers, temporally misplaced child three,
Chris wonders what he did to deserve this kind of family tree.

Jono's a perfect Englishman, never known to crack a smile,
Robert thinks dispatching foes always must be done in style.
Angelo's an L.A boy. " Hey amigo, give me some skin!"
Sam thinks family's important, country cousins and mutant kin.

Maggott, South African , remains an enigma thus far,
Longshot is everyone's favourite blond lucky star.
Mondo is a unique hero; Samoan with a tend to glut,
Wade likes the Irish lassies, couldn't keep his big mouth shut.
Uh-uh, not Wade.

Rictor was a party type, really liked to shake things down,
Brian used his strength and power fighting for country and crown.
Rusty joined the Acolytes, learned he wasn't quite so hot,
Sydney had a thing for faces; wearing Chuck's got him shot.

Jean Paul was unhappy until he found the alternative,
Douglock appeared when two selffriends both possessed a will to live.
Guido covers inner pain with cheesy jokes and expensive toys,
Jamie's lots of fun at parties. Bring the wine, he'll bring the boys.

Kane of the Great White North, always here to lend a hand,
James had a special quest to see what happened to his band.
David was a schizo type, always players for a game,
Pete learned that dating mutants showed a lack of his last name.
Shiro was a loyal servant of the land of the raising sun,
Forge killed a couple hours, built a spaceship just for fun.
Joseph knows magnetic fields- Does he know his own head?
Hank was a top notch scientist, save a tendency to shed.
Bobby wants a heart of ice, his love life always on the rocks,
Everett got surprised by M, kiss and power brought three shocks!
Victor had a view of life, where living X-Men didn't fit,
Cal was the first to leave, appropriately on him we'll quit.

88 Lines About 44 Muties...