September 30, 2001

Hi X-Day Fans -

Most of you know that I (Shannon Pipik) have been managing the X-Day competition for the past five years. During that time, the online X-Community has grown from a few X-related websites and mailing lists to hundreds of sites about the X-Books and dozens of mailing lists discussing comics 24/7. And the competition has grown accordingly - the original competition had 31 entries in two categories (15 Websites and 16 pieces of FanArt). X-Day 2001 had 110 entries in three major categories and 17 subcategories (25 pieces of Fan Art, 39 pieces of Fan Fic, and 46 Websites). It is an amazingly different animal than the one started on a whim back in 1996, and I have had a wonderful time being a part of this competition.

Thanks to your hard work and creative interest, the X-Day competition is one of the most exciting fan competitions around. The devotion of the fans, the quality of the entries and the fun of seeing your talent evolve (so much creativity!) has made every year's competition well worth the time and energy it takes to arrange it and run it.

However, I must announce that I am resigining from the position of X-Day Manager starting with the conclusion of the X-Day 2001 competition. I still love comics, but I dont have the time to devote to the competition that I have enjoyed in the past. And I would really like to revamp my own site (limbo) and enter it in next year's competition! (Yes - there are drawbacks to being the X-Day Manager!)

So from November 1st-7th, elections will be held to elect the next X-Day Manager! This person will enjoy the greater glory and hard work of managing the X-Day competition until such time as he/she sees fit to pass the torch on to someone else. I will be staying on in an advisory position and to help out where necessary, but the candidates are all competent webmasters and programmers (far more advanced than I am!!) and I forsee no major problems for the competition.

It has been my privilidge to be a part of such a terrific competition. I wish you all the best. Thanks so much for making X-Day the wonderful, amazing unique competition that it is!
