GenerationX #6: Temporary Tears

by Mike "Synch" Rudden
It is a sunny day as Monet sits at the table on the porch. To her left and right are her father and mother, reading the newspaper and preparing breakfast. In front of her was her brother, Marius, fixing his dreadlocks to perfection. Behind her, she could hear her sisters giggling in their playpen. Well, she could at least hear one of them. It was a familiar scene.

"Marius, stop fussing over your hair and eat your breakfast before it cools," spoke Mere. She was a beautiful, incredible woman. Monet obviously took after her.

"Whatever," Marius sighed. "Pere, could I please read the paper? Business section, preferably."

"When I'm done, son."

"I'd like it now, dad."

"When I'm done."

"I said..."

"Mind your manners, boy! This is not how I brought you up!"

"I said now!"

With that, a bolt of lightning blasted in the air. Nicole's giggling stopped, and Monet whirled around to face a duplicate of herself starring back at her.

"Stop, Marius! This has gone too far!" Monet turned back around, to find her parents gone, and her brother turned into the villainous Emplate.

"Turn around. Again." Emplate said, laughing. Monet did as he instructed, to find what was once her duplicate turned into a form of Penance.

"Why couldn't you save us?" gasped the figure.

"This ends now, Marius!" yelled Monet, confidently.

"For once in your life, you're wrong, Monet. It has only just begun!" Monet could do nothing but scream... and wake up.


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