GenerationX #4: Judgement Day

by Mike "Synch" Rudden

Under the streets of New York City there lies several secret tunnels, one of which leads to a secret chamber. This chamber, secured from all tracking systems and psychic attacks, has unlimited technology. The technology of the monster known as the Dark Beast.

This chamber also serves as the current headquarters of the New Hellions.

Only one of the New Hellions was present this day, however - the one known as Fatale. Former lackey of the Dark Beast, current leader of a rag-tag team of second-string villains. Also present in the chamber is the former Xavier's School student known as Gaia.

Fatale took Gaia out of her holding tank today. Fatale found one of the Dark Beast's old machines, that he used on the mutant known as Havok. Fatale hooked Gaia up to this machine, and is just waiting for Gaia to regain consciousness...

(circa X-Factor #123 - Mike)

"Wh... wha..." Gaia said as her eyes slowly blinked open. "Where am I?"

Fatale quickly activated the machine. "What do you mean, Gaia? You're home."

"No... home is at school..." Gaia claimed groggily.

"No, home is with me." Fatale coaxed. Gaia's was a powerful mind, and brainwashing her wasn't going to easy.

"Who am I?" Gaia asked.

"You're Gaia. A member of the New Hellions," Fatale explained.

"I am? How come I don't remember?"

"A team called Generation X kidnapped you and tried to force you onto their team. We saved you, though, Gaia. We saved you."

"I don?t remember..." Gaia whimpered as she broke into tears.

"Don?t worry." Fatale soothed her as she smiled. "I'll explain everything..."

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