Jean Grey : The Power Within

a short story by John Häggblom
Come, you spirits
That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here
And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full
Of direst cruelty.

She had a way with words, Lady Macbeth. So strong, so passionate--but what did she do with it all? She lived for her husband, she used him as a tool to gain more power. If I was in her position, would I use my husband, or would I use my own strength? But then again, it was all so different back then--for women at least.

I wonder what Scott would say if he knew that I can identify with Lady Macbeth? He sees me more as Beatrice, and thinks I will lead him to the light, just like she led Dante...Would I do that, or would I use all the power I have for my own benefit...for me and me alone?

Would it really be so wrong if I used my strength for my own good? Like Lady Macbeth, I have already accepted the dark sides of my personality, and there are times when I wonder what would happen if I...the phone!

"Jean Grey speaking, who is this?"

"Hi, Jean. It's Misty Knight--as if you didn't know that, what with your telepathy and all."

"Come now, Misty...there are some limits to my powers as well." Yeah, right. "Long time, no see, Misty. I hope everything's fine with you."

"It has been a long time, and I really wish I'd called you just because I wanted to see my old roommate, but...ummm...something's happened, and I really need your help."

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