Tribute to Jean Grey/Phoenix

by Manda
Fire green eyes, flaming red hair,
Smile as if you haven't a care.
Offering always a smile & a shoulder,
Perhaps in your ways the gentle
Were always bolder.

The soft steps of your walk, the flash of your smile,
An assorted attires that that is all your own style.
The heart of your group, An angel to your friends,
Cherished dearly because you see it all through
To the end.

A nod of your head, The sweet sound of your laughter,
The warm feeling of peace & balance even long after.
Duty bound to honor and personally to love,
Though in all this no one knows where you,
Found Peace's dove.

A flutter of wit and brilliance, The paleness of skin,
Neither things that could match the beauty within,
A soul filled with love, curiosity and desire,
A heart filled with enough passion to,
Set the Heavens on fire.

Read Manda's Other Works at X-Mansion: Jean's Sanctuary