I, Mutant

by Joseph C. Mc Grane

I am a mutant, I am everything you are but less. I am a mistake, a freak of nature, a great cosmic joke. I am to be hated, feared, spit on, shunned, hunted, captured, beaten and killed. I am to be raped of my rights, my self worth and identity. You look upon me with less regard than a cur crawling on it's belly to beg scraps from your table.

I am a mutant, I am everything you are and more; stronger, faster, smarter. I can heal you with my hands or burn you with my eyes. I can go anywhere or be anyone with a thought. I can see into your dreams and show you your nightmares. I can bend space and time or alter all reality and remake it according to my vision.

I am a mutant, I am the future. Not your future but a future of my own making that does not include you. You are obsolete, you are the Neanderthal and your time is done.